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mercoledì 8 marzo 2017

Once Upon a Time in America (dir. Bob Robertson -1984)

Rev. Gliozzi To Celebrate Sunday Mass

Rev. Ernesto Gliozzi, vacationing in this country from his native Italy, will celebrate the noon mass Sunday in St. Monica’s Church, after which reception will be conducted in his honor at the Di Loreto Club, 914 N. Division St.
Father Gliozzi, who is canonico penitenziere (assistant to the bishop) in Locri, Italy, is visiting his brother - in -law and sister, Mr and Mrs Anthony Tripepi 55800 N Cedar Rd.
He has benn in this area since June 30, and will return to his home in Platì, Italyabout August 12.
Besides the mass which he will celebrate Sunday, Father Gliozzi will concelebrate a mass at 4 p. m. July 28 in Our Lady of Hungary Church, South Bend.
Besides of Italian eztraction have been asked in attend cach of the masses at which he will be the celebrant.

 Mishawaka (IN) July 1974

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